The Carbon Age. Recommended Book.

The Carbon Age. Recommended Book.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


1. Who are the characters in the novel? If you could be any of one characters in the novel, which would you be and why? Explain your answer.
The characters of the novel are Ruth, Saul, Sue,Caroline, Captain Marrs, The Controller, Dick Lane, Peter.
I think I'll be Sue, because, I feel identified with her. She was rude when she met Saul, I think that I act that way when I felt indimidate of someone !! Other thing that I felt like Sue, is that She was always bussy, and I 'm sometimes that way.

2. What do you think was Saul's reaction when Mrs. Ruth explained to him about the dolphins? How did you feel?
He was shocked. He felt very confuse. He didn't want to believe the truth and he was scare.
When I read that chapter , I felt very frustrated, because he didn't believe the truth. But I think that I felt that way because I knew all the time that Ruth was saying the true, so, I knew the story and Saul was discovering it.

3. SettingDescribe the setting of the story. How is the year 2051 like? What role do computers play in 2051? Make a list of ways in which the world in the story is different from the world today.
2051 was awful in my opinion. It was all computers. CONTROL ,the organisation that domain the world and the web. It was the goverment of that time. People are not allowed to take their own decisions, and they are always being controlled.

4. How did reading this novel affect you? For example: as you were reading the chapters, did you feel pity, anger, horror, admiration, pride, or a combination of the above? Explain.
I felt terror, and sad. I really don't want to live that way. I cried, at the begining of the book, when it's descrbing the world situation. The human lives.

5. Compare and Contrast
Who is the main character of the novel?Describe how you are like the main character of this novel.Describe how you are different than the main character of this novel
I think Saul is the main character, because The story starts with him. The book it's about his mission, and that he discovered the lie behind CONTROL. He opened his eyes to the Real World.
I feel identify with this character too, 'cause, sometimes I think I get really surprised to believe some things. For example, I need evidence to believe in things that I'm not used to think or believe. Just like Saul. I'm a skeptical person, so I always ask questions and prove that the situation or case is real.
6. Advice
If you could give the main character a piece of advice, what would you suggest? Write a letter to the character.
In my opinion, Saul was very brave. He deeply believed what Ruth said. At the first instance he didn't, but this reaction was very normal, 'cause he wasn't used to hear the truth.
I don't think he need a really important advice , he did't really well, I mean, he did'nt know anything about how the real world was like. So, he did great for being an amateur.
I think he shouldn't complained like he did, he could be more patient, but It was a normal reaction from Saul.

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