The Carbon Age. Recommended Book.

The Carbon Age. Recommended Book.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chapters 11-16

Chapters 11,12, 13
Explain the reasons which Saul did not want to travel with Sue Hunter.
Because she was rude, and she was talking to Ruth, like Saul hasn't been there.

What was the purpose of the small computer chip?
To scan Saul's eyes, so he can go inside the Music Rooms.

Explain the reasons Sue and Ruth became terrorist.
Because Marrs has been so mean with them. Marrs killed Sue's husband.

Why did Saul think Sue was rude?
Because she wasn't nice with him, neither friendly. She was always saying that Saul was useless infront of him. She was a bussy woman.

Chapters 14-16
Why did Saul and Sue feel sad and angry when they left Caroline’s house?
Because Caroline thought they were're crazy, terrorists and lovers. Caroline didn't believe Saul.

Why while Captain Mars questioned Caroline, she decided to make herself sound unintelligent?
Caroline tried to hid Saul, and to distracted Captain Marrs. Caroline tried to get Captain Marrs confused.

Give reasons why Caroline believed or not believed in Saul’s words.
She should believed Saul, because he was her boyfriend. She supposed to love him and trust him.
But, she shouldn't believed him ,'cause he was classified as a terrorist and he was acting against the law.

Do you think Saul really loved Caroline or viceversa?
No. I think there was no love. Saul was attract by Sue. Caroline didn't belive Saul, She has to hear the truth by someon else, like Captain Marrs to believe him.
And i can't understand how Saul and Caroline had a VIRTUAL relationship.

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