The Carbon Age. Recommended Book.

The Carbon Age. Recommended Book.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tips to Fight Global Warming

 How about bringing your own bag when you go shopping? There aren't enough people doing this yet. There's a bag ban that's coming up in San Francisco in late November/early December. Philly, Boston, Phoenix, and many other cities are considering them. But the bans need to be universal. There's no excuse for not taking your own bag. Many European nations have required this for years. I gave a friend one of my ChicoBags when she was heading back to Europe recently and she loved it and said that it came in handy because it was so small that she could pop it into her purse, it was lightweight, and it didn't take up space in her suitcase. If people can take a reusable bag while traveling, they can certainly use them at home. Nearly every market is selling reusable bags and there are tons in catalogs and on the internet. There is no excuse for non-use. Besides, the only thing worse than having a zillion plastic bags pile up at home is dumping them out into the environment.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Carbon Age. Recommended Book.

The Carbon Age, by Eric Roston, paperback, 320 pagesWhile Stolzenburg examines nature on a sweeping scale, former Time journalist Eric Roston drills down to the atomic heart of the planet in The Carbon Age. I have avoided anything to do with organic chemistry for years, but Roston's book convinced me that the fastest way to understand "everything larger than an atom and smaller than a planet," is through the element carbon. It occupies a central role in the current debate about climate, but it's also found in the food we eat, the pills we pop — even high-end tennis rackets and bicycles. 

Roston writes that our use of carbon to create goods has made us "more powerful than plate tectonics" when it comes to the potential for destruction. While Hollywood filmmakers expect Armageddon to come from the skies, Roston says we should all look inward: "We are the meteor." 

Reading words printed on dead trees doesn't automatically translate into saving the planet. But by encouraging us to reevaluate the world around us, these three books offer a vision of a different path forward, one that might steer us safely out of the meteor's path.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chapter 17

1. - I want him found: Captain Marrs
2. - They hated screen watching: Mar's men
3. - I’ll check in the laptop: Sue
4. - They lay without moving: Narrator
5. - We’re too late: Saul
6. - Good morning, What can I do for you?:The computer

Chapter 20

The next day, during a virtual concert on the Web,Caroline started talking about Saul. She repeated everything he had told her about the Dolphins and the Music Rooms, and how they were hurt with electricityin order to make music. As she was speaking Dick Lane came into the recording studio and shoot her, Caroline fell down dead.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


1. Who are the characters in the novel? If you could be any of one characters in the novel, which would you be and why? Explain your answer.
The characters of the novel are Ruth, Saul, Sue,Caroline, Captain Marrs, The Controller, Dick Lane, Peter.
I think I'll be Sue, because, I feel identified with her. She was rude when she met Saul, I think that I act that way when I felt indimidate of someone !! Other thing that I felt like Sue, is that She was always bussy, and I 'm sometimes that way.

2. What do you think was Saul's reaction when Mrs. Ruth explained to him about the dolphins? How did you feel?
He was shocked. He felt very confuse. He didn't want to believe the truth and he was scare.
When I read that chapter , I felt very frustrated, because he didn't believe the truth. But I think that I felt that way because I knew all the time that Ruth was saying the true, so, I knew the story and Saul was discovering it.

3. SettingDescribe the setting of the story. How is the year 2051 like? What role do computers play in 2051? Make a list of ways in which the world in the story is different from the world today.
2051 was awful in my opinion. It was all computers. CONTROL ,the organisation that domain the world and the web. It was the goverment of that time. People are not allowed to take their own decisions, and they are always being controlled.

4. How did reading this novel affect you? For example: as you were reading the chapters, did you feel pity, anger, horror, admiration, pride, or a combination of the above? Explain.
I felt terror, and sad. I really don't want to live that way. I cried, at the begining of the book, when it's descrbing the world situation. The human lives.

5. Compare and Contrast
Who is the main character of the novel?Describe how you are like the main character of this novel.Describe how you are different than the main character of this novel
I think Saul is the main character, because The story starts with him. The book it's about his mission, and that he discovered the lie behind CONTROL. He opened his eyes to the Real World.
I feel identify with this character too, 'cause, sometimes I think I get really surprised to believe some things. For example, I need evidence to believe in things that I'm not used to think or believe. Just like Saul. I'm a skeptical person, so I always ask questions and prove that the situation or case is real.
6. Advice
If you could give the main character a piece of advice, what would you suggest? Write a letter to the character.
In my opinion, Saul was very brave. He deeply believed what Ruth said. At the first instance he didn't, but this reaction was very normal, 'cause he wasn't used to hear the truth.
I don't think he need a really important advice , he did't really well, I mean, he did'nt know anything about how the real world was like. So, he did great for being an amateur.
I think he shouldn't complained like he did, he could be more patient, but It was a normal reaction from Saul.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chapters 11-16

Chapters 11,12, 13
Explain the reasons which Saul did not want to travel with Sue Hunter.
Because she was rude, and she was talking to Ruth, like Saul hasn't been there.

What was the purpose of the small computer chip?
To scan Saul's eyes, so he can go inside the Music Rooms.

Explain the reasons Sue and Ruth became terrorist.
Because Marrs has been so mean with them. Marrs killed Sue's husband.

Why did Saul think Sue was rude?
Because she wasn't nice with him, neither friendly. She was always saying that Saul was useless infront of him. She was a bussy woman.

Chapters 14-16
Why did Saul and Sue feel sad and angry when they left Caroline’s house?
Because Caroline thought they were're crazy, terrorists and lovers. Caroline didn't believe Saul.

Why while Captain Mars questioned Caroline, she decided to make herself sound unintelligent?
Caroline tried to hid Saul, and to distracted Captain Marrs. Caroline tried to get Captain Marrs confused.

Give reasons why Caroline believed or not believed in Saul’s words.
She should believed Saul, because he was her boyfriend. She supposed to love him and trust him.
But, she shouldn't believed him ,'cause he was classified as a terrorist and he was acting against the law.

Do you think Saul really loved Caroline or viceversa?
No. I think there was no love. Saul was attract by Sue. Caroline didn't belive Saul, She has to hear the truth by someon else, like Captain Marrs to believe him.
And i can't understand how Saul and Caroline had a VIRTUAL relationship.

Chapter 10

a. Wanted to watch everything that happened on the web?
CONTROL, wanted to watch everything on the web.
b. Did all the real work?
c. Started a fire to burn the forests down?
d. Made the fire even bigger to get Mars into trouble?
e. Was going to stay behind the caves?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chapter 8,9 & 10

1. Why did Saul say, “I don’t want to become a terrorist”? What did Saul really want to do?Do you believe that Saul and Sue will arrive to Neumatt alive? Explain in details.
Saul don't want to become a terrorist because he didn't want to be in danger. He want his perfect and easy life again, he want to be working with his computer and listening to music. But now, that Captain Marrs was looking for him to kill him, he can return back. He didn't has a choice.

2. What do you think the wolves represent in the story?
I think they represent the real danger in the story, because people in this story didn't really know about how the real world is. They think that all is easy, safe and all is control by CONTROL. So, the wolves represent the real world.

3. Explain the reasons Captain Marrs hated the forest.
Because the forest is very dangerous, he didn't like wolves, and he knew that wolves were in it.

4. What were Saul’s thoughts when he was traveling through the tunnel with Ruth and Sue?
He was very scared and shocked. The only thing that he wishes the most was to be in his house listening to music. He hardly believed what Ruth and Sue said. But at the same time he was very rude, because he was decide to do what Ruth ask him.

5. Why did Sue think Saul was useless? Give details.
Because he was shocked, and complaning about everything all the time, whishing to be home.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008



Chapter 7 is called the blue helicopter because the Controller landed in his blue helicopter where Marrs was about to attack Ruth’s house. The Controller got angry when he saw the remains of Saul’s car, and he was really upset with Marrs because he was disturbing these houses where important old people lived. The Controller asked to Marrs the reason of being there.

Marrs replied that he had information about terrorists and that they were in those houses. He also told him that he had killed Saul Grant. Marrs was sure that Saul Grant was a terrorist and that he had killed him. Marrs told the Controller, that Saul was asking dangerous questions about the Music Rooms; in consequence, he thought that Saul was a terrorist.

The Controller didn’t care about Marrs suggestions. He told him, that maybe Saul was using the words Music Rooms in a different sense. The Controller told Marrs , that if he started to believe that he was more powerful than Control and to behave like that, he would close BEATCON down. The Controller ordered him to leave and never come back.

Marrs was very angry. He didn’t like the idea that the Controller was more powerful than him, but he can’t avoid Control. Dick Lane informed Marrs, that someone has started the car up using a control unit, and that no one was inside the car. Finally, Marrs ordered Dick Lane, to find more information. He wanted evidence to show the Controller that he was right about Saul Grant.

Marrs was evil and he didn’t care if he disturbs people. He wanted to talk and find Saul Grant immediately. He also suspected that someone helped Saul to escape, someone who knows how to move cars by a remote control.

Saturday, June 21, 2008



Who said what? Be specific on the details.

1. He's going to be useless in the journey. Sue said to Ruth that Saul was going to be useless in this journey, because Saul was very scare and nervous.

2. Where are we going? Saul, was asking to Ruth and Sue, where they were going?. Saul was shocked. He wanted to know what was going on.

3. I think I was right to choose him. Ruth tought she was right when she choosed Saul to rescue the dolphins, because Saul loves dolphins, and he know all about them. He always write about dolphins.

4. Marrs won't bother me. Peter said to Ruth, that Marrs won't bother him, because Peter is the Controller's Brother, and the Controller has the power over BEATCON.

Peter helped Ruth, Saul and Sue to escape through the tunnels.


1. Answer with specific details.
Who wants to save the dolphins? Why? PACE,RUTH, SUE. They want to save the dolphins, because CONTROL is making a bad use of them.
Who thinks that Ruth's crazy and why? Saul thinks Ruth is crazy, because she was saying things that Raul was not used to hear. Things that only few people know and horrible and dangerous things.
Who is rude and why? Sue. Saul things that Sue is rude. Sue is the grandaughter of Ruth. Sue was like kind of bussy, she was always saying to Saul what to do.
Who want's to scan Saul's eyes. Why? Sue wanted to scan Saul's eyes, because that's the only way that Saul can enter to the Music Room. Saul can only get into the Music Room by scanning his eyes on the door, with this security technology. The dolphins were in this Music Rooms, and Saul was going to rescue them.

2. What do you think Saul is going to do?
He is now afraid but he is a brave man. I think he's going to rescue the dolphins, he doesnt has a choice. He has to get into the Music Rooms,one way or another.
No matter what it costs, is his task and he has to accomplish.

Chapter 4 . Dolphin Music

1. Describe the following character's personalities:
Saul He's a music writer. He loves music and he's always writing about dolphin music, because he loves its music.
Caroline's Saul 's girlfriend. She is a musician. She plays the cello, and she's beutiful with huge green eyes
Dick Lane He's the right hand of Captain Marrs. He's a special member of BEATCON. He wants to be like Captain Marrs.
The Controller The head of the world. The maxium authority. He controls everything , every move, you can escape from the Controller.
Captain Marrs He's an evil man. The head of BEATCON. He's cold, and he don't like to follow orders from CONTROL, but he has to. He hates the controller and he wants to make his own laws.
Ruth She is an old women, a POD. Saul takes care of this women in his community service. She has a lot of experience. She wants to save the world from CONTROL, and she created PACE, an organisation against CONTROL AND BEATCON.

2. Why does the Controller say about Saul "I don't think he'll be alive for very much longer"?What is going to happen?
Because the Controller, controls all the web, and he saw when Captain Marrs, told his soldiers to found Saul.He was hiting a drawing of Saul's head. The controller thought that Marrs was very angry with Saul, and no matter what, but Marrs will catch him.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


1) To get a second wind. To suddenly have a new energy,to have increased, energy or strengh after feeling tired or weak. Example. After two hours, we could hardly walk another step, but we got a second wind as we neared home.
Example 2. The automobile industry seems to have gotten a second wind.

2) Knock something on the head. To stop doing something.
Exampe. Do you still play football? No, I knocked that on the head a while ago.

3) All sweetness and light. So cheerful and smiley. Example: She was in such a bad mood the other day but now she's all sweetness and light.

4) Hit the nail on the head. To be right about something or to describe exactly what is causing a situacion or problem. Example: I think Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence.

Example 2. Mike hit the nail on the head when he said most people can use a computer without knowing how it works.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Questions Chapter 1&2. Dolphin Music

1. Saul's computer could understand what he said to it. TRUE
2. There weren't enough jobs for everyone to work all the time.TRUE
3. Most people had to do community work for six months. TRUE
4. Saul thought tha life was better in the past. FALSE
5. Saul and Caroline had never been in the same place together. TRUE, They have never been in the same place together in the real life!, but they have traveled , and seen each other in virtual life, by their computers. Their relationship was very virtual, it was unreal! they have never touched and kissed. They always talked by computer.

Chapter 2
Who said what? Be specific on the details.Look at the italic wording.
1. I'm old enough to say what I like. RUTH was talking to saul about herself and experience.
2. We know how to avoid the police. RUTH said to Saul, about a secret group called PACE. This organization avoid CONTROL (police) and the Web, to complete their missions.
3. They've shot many of my friends already. RUTH refered to Saul, that CONTROL, has taken the power of the world and Control have killed friends of RUTH, memebers of PACE.
4. He wanted to be back in his room listening to music. SAUL didn't believe what Ruthe was saying at the first, and he wanted to be back at home, listening to his music.
5. When they are in terrible pain and dying. They sing. RUTH was talking about the dolphins, they suffered , They are in terrible danger. She said to Saul.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My embarassing moment

I remember one time, when a friend of USA came to my house with his mom. They were staying just on winter vacation.

This boy "Jon" stayed at my house, in my brother's room. So, we hanged out together, including his mom, to a restaurant, and we were talking about how we felt that day, so I dont remember why, but I was angry with Jon, so I shouted at him in the table, " Hey Jon, I dont want you to sleep with me anymore because I'm angry", and all of them stared at me, like "What did you say?!?", including her mom, and I didnt realize what I have said since that moment...

This was so embarrassing, that I blushed haha, because I didn't mean that!! really!!...
What I wanted it to say, was that I was very angry with Jon, that I didn't want him sleeping at my house that night .
What a terrible confusion!


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